Outdoor pavers are a beautiful addition to any home.
But, in the beginning, their newness is a ripe target for bacteria and grime to be splattered upon.
Sealing existing stone tiles is a common practice to keep the stone from losing patina over the years. What about your new pavers, though?
When should you start protecting your investment in a new paver driveway or walkway? Do you know when to seal pavers after installation?
In this article, we’ll go over the waiting time to ensure that your pavers stay looking fantastic for years to come.
Get ready to let the dirt fly!
Determining When to Seal Pavers After Installation
Once your newly paved surface has been completed it is important to determine the right time in sealing the pavers. Should you seal pavers right after installation? The answer is no.
If you seal the pavement too soon, it could lock in moisture which can cause the pavers to crack, break, and discolor.
Generally, it is best to wait a minimum of 3 days after installation before you seal your pavers. This allows the pavers to properly settle and moisture residue to evaporate. If you seal too soon, then there is a potential to trap moisture beneath the sealer.
Additionally, this drying period allows any grout in the paver joints to cure, creating a permanent bond between the pavers and grout. To be sure, you should use a moisture meter to check the density of the paver before applying a sealant, as some pavers may take longer than others to settle in and harden if the environmental conditions are humid.
However, larger projects may need to wait up to a few weeks. If in doubt, it is recommended to wait at least a week so that the ground stabilizes underneath the pavers. It is also important to ensure the ground and pavers are dry before sealing occurs.
Be sure to also check the weather forecast before you seal your pavers. Because it is not recommended to seal if rain is forecast as this could reduce the effectiveness of the sealer.
Long-Term Benefits of Sealing Pavers
Sealing pavers can have tremendous long-term benefits for homeowners who invest time and money in the effort. Sealing your new pavers will greatly reduce the effects of wear and tear from environmental elements like UV rays, extreme temperatures, and even groundwater from rain and snow.
It will also help keep the pavers more stain-resistant, prevent cracking and fading, and overall help maintains their vibrant, fresh look for longer. It’s definitely a worthy investment!
When selecting the best sealer for pavers, only use a sealer that is designed for the type of paver material you have, as improper sealing can cause a stain or cause discoloration.
Paver sealers protect both the color and structural integrity of the pavers and enhance the overall look, so make sure to choose the right sealer to get the best results. Check this link for high gloss concrete sealer.
With the right planning and care, sealing new pavers can be a great addition to your overall home maintenance program.
Take Your Time
Asking when to seal pavers after installation? Waiting to seal new pavers is important to allow the concrete adequate time to cure.
Generally, you should wait 3 days or longer to seal your new pavers. Doing so will ensure the sealant works effectively and look its best.
Don’t forget to consult with a professional if you have any doubts or concerns. Take the time today to ensure your pavers look great and last for years to come.
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